Blaming therapy, social work and other caring professions for the confabulation of testimony of 'satanic ritual abuse' legitimated a program of political and social action designed to contest the gains made by the women's movement and the child protection movement. In efforts to characterize social workers and therapists as hysterical zealots, 'satanic ritual abuse' was, quite literally, 'made fun of': it became the subject of scorn and ridicule as interest groups sought to discredit testimony of sexual abuse as a whole. The groundswell of support that such efforts gained amongst journalists, academics and the public suggests that the pleasures of disbelief found resonance far beyond the confines of social movements for people accused of sexual abuse. These pleasures were legitimized by a pseudo-scientific vocabulary of 'false memories' and 'moral panic' but as Day (1999:219-20) points out 'the ultimate goal of ideology is to present itself in neutral, value-free terms as the very horizon of objectivity and to dismiss challenges to its order as the "merely ideological"'. The media spotlight has moved on and social movements for people accused of sexual abuse have lost considerable momentum. However, their rhetoric continues to reverberate throughout the echo chamber of online and 'old' media. Intimations of collusion between feminists and Christians in the concoction of 'satanic ritual abuse' continue to mobilize 'progressive' as well as 'conservative' sympathies for men accused of serious sexual offenses and against the needs of victimized women and children. This chapter argues that, underlying the invocation of often contradictory rationalizing tropes (ranging from calls for more scientific 'objectivity' in sexual abuse investigations to emotional descriptions of 'happy families' rent asunder by false allegations) is a collective and largely unarticulated pleasure; the cathartic release of sentiments and views about children and women that had otherwise become shameful in the aftermath of second wave feminism. It seems that, behind the veneer of public concern about child sexual abuse, traditional views about the incredibility of women's and children's testimony persist. 'Satanic ritual abuse has served as a lens through which these views have been rearticulated and reasserted at the very time that evidence of widespread and serious child sexual abuse has been consolidating. p60
— Michael Salter
If you have a complaint about someone, then you become the accuser and the other becomes the accused. Never complain about anyone. He who brings a complaint is at fault, you should understand that first, then comes next, the talk about the accused.
— Dada Bhagwan
Looks sure can be deceiving: not every ‘ugly’ person is a ‘bad’ person (or is guilty of whatever it is that they are accused of).
— Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The Relationship Between God And I Is Beyond Human Comprehension, Therefore, Pay No Attention To Any Descriptive Section About My Religious Affiliation, Otherwise, You Would Be Accused Of Reading The Seventh Books Of Moses.
— Elijah Onyenmeriogu
You know that when your partner deletes their messages to a past lover after being accused of cheating, then it is likely that they were being unfaithful in some way.
— Steven Magee
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