agape love
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream was a manifestation of hope that humanity might one day get out of its own way by finding the courage to realize that love and nonviolence are not indicators of weakness but gifts of significant strength.
— Aberjhani
God tells us to seize every day as an adventure in His loving arms and in so doing our spirits will soar when we discover His wonderful gifts along this narrow way
— John M Sheehan
Got just enough room to be a friend of yours. Oh, I hope you got room to be a friend of mine.
— Aberjhani
How can we know something that surpasses or is beyond knowledge? How can we know something that is beyond words?... We can and do use words to point to all of our human experiences. However, the experience of "God as Agape" is beyond words, beyond the limitations of our minds.
— John David Geib
I contend that those who Agape can only administer mercy and grace."~R. Alan Woods [2012]
— R. Alan Woods
I don't want what love is. I want what love is supposed to be.
— N'Zuri Za Austin
If the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike.
— Aberjhani
Individual cultures and ideologies have their appropriate uses but none of them erase or replace the universal experiences, like love and weeping and laughter, common to all human beings.
— Aberjhani
Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails, Friendship fails, Intelligence fails, Humanity: fails.
— Aberjhani
Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.
— Aberjhani
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