abbot suger
Fusing the doctrines of Platinum and Process with the creeds and beliefs of Christianity, Dionysus the Pseudo-Areopagite combined the Neo-Platonic conviction of the fundamental oneness and luminous aliveness of the world with the Christian dogmas of the triune God, original sin and redemption. The universe is created, animated and unified by the perpetual self-realization of what Platinum had called "the One," what the Bible had called "the Lord," and what he calls "the super essential Light.
— Erwin Panofsky
Reform or no reform, he never ceased to promote the interests of St. Denis and the Royal House of France with the same naive, and in his case not entirely unjustified, conviction of their identity with those of the nation and with the Will of God as a modern oil or steel magnate may promote legislation favorable to his company and to his bank as something beneficial to the welfare of this country and to the progress of mankind.
— Erwin Panofsky
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