Adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more completely human traits are now born.
— G. Stanley Hall
Adolescence is a time in which you experience everything more intensely.
— Edward Zwick
Adolescence is just one big walking pimple.
— Carol Burnett
Adolescence isn't just about prom or wearing sparkly dresses.
— Jena Malone
Adolescence is the conjugate of childhood and adulthood.
— Louise J. Kaplan
Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.
— Coco Chanel
Female adolescence is - universally - an emotionally and psychologically intense period.
— Caitlin Flanagan
I have always had a sense that we are all pretty much alone in life, particularly in adolescence.
— Robert Cormier
Make no mistake, adolescence is a war. No one gets out unscathed.
— Harlan Coben
Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.
— Jules Feiffer
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