Behind every successful flight, lies the will, full of thrust, against the wind; the will to win.
— Vikrmn
Coal mines, like a hard life, have seen the best diamonds of innovation, more than any jewel factory.
— Vikrmn
Forgive all before you go to sleep, you'll be forgiven before you get up. – Lord Krishna.
— Vikrmn
Life is like a guitar and the combination of chords are called moments. Playing them is the called living the moments.
— Vikrmn
Live in the NOW. Live life to its fullest. Don’t spend more than 10% of your time learning from the past, and 20% planning for the future. Live in the present, act NOW to fulfill the dreams you plan.
— Vikrmn
Negativity pierces determination like rust. Stay coated with faith and confidence.
— Vikrmn
The best thing to gift yourself is to be just YOURSELF, improving above the person that you were yesterday.
— Vikrmn
The biggest regret a few years down the line would be… I wish I could. So dare to do what you dream of…NOW.
— Vikrmn
The longest tenured First LOVE and Greatest TEACHER, in-fact life long, is none the other, but Mother.
— Vikrmn
The moment you stop and look around, you will get to know that you have so many small moments full of happiness. So just be thankful, as many others don’t have these moments. There are also some who do, but can’t visualize them; and even some who have, but can’t appreciate them.
— Vikrmn
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