akif kichloo

Find yourself. And if you don’t like what you see, re-create yourself. But first, please, find yourself.

Akif Kichloo

People often compare depression to drowning. That is not even close. Consider sitting in a dark room scared and confused—Choking on something you know nothing about, For reasons you cannot comprehend. That is depression. When you are drowning, you can still flail your arms, call for help, and try your best to keep afloat. In depression, you do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Akif Kichloo

So often we confuse mistakes for soul mates, lessons for lovers, and at the same time worthy life partners for one-night stands. It’s an epidemic.

Akif Kichloo

That window which connects youth the agony of other people;that’s your soul. Close that window and you are soulless. And a soulless man is vestigial. He hears but cannot listen. He sees but cannot notice. And everyone knows:when eyes and ears become jobless, We look for excuses. We hear angels and devils speak. We confabulate. We make up godsend lick their feet.—Superstitions

Akif Kichloo

The tragedy of love is in its ending, the blessing—everything else. No love ever deserves to end.

Akif Kichloo

The universe on your skin is empty from all the silence on your tongue. Forgive yourself. Let your body heal from all the wounds you did not infliction yourself. Drop the sword you carrion your shoulder for self-defense. Lower the armor you hold high up for protection. Those who harmed you are not going to come back. Those who have left never intended to return.

Akif Kichloo

They came and they left. You cried, but you stood your ground. You stayed tethered to hope as well as committed to dignified dreams and little victories of day-to-day life. Furthermore, you felt different. Then you started to change. Your smile returned with reticence before completely taking over your face. Today, you are no longer afraid to let that smile be there, and now you understand it was not about them. It was never about anyone else. This was about you from the day you were born. This was about you learning to love yourself—not letting the inferiority of the external corrupt the piety of the internal. This was your personal revolution. This was the uprising of your lifetime. And you won.

Akif Kichloo

When the night comes to break my heart, I think of you.

Akif Kichloo

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