aleatha romig
It has been said, people drawn to law enforcement have a sixth sense, an ability to see what others do not. He prayed he was wrong. His sixth sense said there was much more than a broken heart in Claire's past.
— Aleatha Romig
Mr. Rawling's is a man of his word. The problem was, he made two different promises, and he felt honored to keep them both. He hoped that by fulfilling one, in a different from expected way, he may have the chance to rectify the other.
— Aleatha Romig
My life hasn't been perfect, yet I've never wasted my time envying anyone else. If something wasn't the best it could be - I made it better.
— Aleatha Romig
No matter what he did to make Claire’s life better or show her he’d changed, these memories would always linger in the recesses of his mind. For the rest of his life, he’d know what he’d done. Tony hated himself for all of it—hell, he always had the end justifies the means argument, but even he didn’t believe that anymore. Not now. Not now that he knew Claire and loved Claire.
— Aleatha Romig
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