Money is not the first step to becoming a great achiever. Your ideas determine the cost you will need to pay. So if you have no ideas, you can't know the amount you will need!
— Israelmore Ayivor
The chance that you will become a master in something after the first attempt is neither here nor there. You don't get master's degree by attending school on the first day! Time will tell, so you got to persist!
— Israelmore Ayivor
The first attempt may fail, but it does not create room for excuses.
— Israelmore Ayivor
When trees fall on trees, the topmost tree must first be removed before others. Don't be too concerned about the problems of the past. What matters most is the challenge at hand now!
— Israelmore Ayivor
Your dreams can change the environment which was not conducive for it at first! However, it is a good initiative for the dreams that would change one society to be nursed in another environment, before being transplanted to strive in its original environment for the change process to begin!
— Israelmore Ayivor
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