advaita vedanta

Be aware of yourself without thinking or looking in the mirror

Bert McCoy

I do not hail myself as an atheist, for I am not an atheist. In fact, I have met God, felt God and even lived in God, same as the prophets of human history. But mark you, humanism cannot be compromised because of some doctrines presented as God’s command. In the domain of transcendence, all commands received by the mind, are created by the mind itself. They manifest as divine revelations, but in reality, they are revelations rising from the mind itself. And as such, they have potential to be both good and evil.

Abhijit Naskar

I just realized that I don't have to have an opinion about everything--what a relief!

David R. Hawkins

In the non-dual state, God, soul and universe are essentially one absolute system which is all-pervading, uncreated, self-luminous and eternal.

Abhijit Naskar

Oneness is God.

Abhijit Naskar

Pathology can indeed evoke experiences of Absolute Godliness, but not all God experiences are caused by pathology. They can also occur due to disturbance in the geomagnetic field of our planet, consumption of psychedelics, excruciatingly extreme level of stress during a near-death situation, or ultimately through a natural and healthy procedure of meditation or/and prayer.

Abhijit Naskar

Persons desiring to know what love is might benefit more if they were able to understand what love is not.

Floyd Henderson

The changeless part in you recognizes change

Bert McCoy

The mind never has anything new to say-all it knows is of the past.

Bert McCoy

The more a person is united within himself or herself and inwardly simple, the more and higher things he or she understands, because he or she receives the light of understanding from within.

Abhijit Naskar

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