
Additions like to enter without knocking, you just have to close the door for good...

Alen Sargsyan

Already a congressman, to a mentor "I hope sometime you run across something you think I can do well 24 hours per day.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Infinite is a meaningless word: except – it states / The mind is capable of performing / an endless process of addition.

Louis Zukofsky

In the Awakenings' movie I found it very interesting that the most profound awakenings in the catatonic patients occurred in 1969, the year that the Aurora Borealis was seen from N.Y. to Louisiana. It seems the patients were getting environmental radiation stimulation in addition to their L-Dopa drug that year. L-Dopa plus radiation therapy may eventually be proven to be a very potent brain stimulant.

Steven Magee

Quinn's always come at half price, about half the time, and half-naked, even during the colder half of winter. A Quinn is like a queen, but draggier, and cheaper to buy and use for personal gain, unless you’re suspicious that you’re poor and illiterate like Jarod Into, in which case Quinn's could be the spirits of your dead relatives, come to haunt you until you gather a massive fortune through selling books on the internet, to send some back in time through a portal you bought from the NSA, so they would have lived better lives without having to move a finger for their fortune. Oh, yeah, and since they aren’t - they’re blue, like smurfs, yet they turn purple whenever tickled on the belly, which is something they seem to rather dislike, since they start biting and scratching when it happens, for no good reason, I might add.

Will Advise

The addition of certain chemicals to the atmosphere will destroy wavelengths of light, and it may only be a matter of time before one of these wavelengths of light that is critical for human survival is eliminated. This is called: The Extinction Wavelength

Steven Magee

We all find means of anesthesia.

Brunonia Barry

You may need additional money to make things happen and have it, but you can have an additional time anywhere. Value your time; as you wait, it is passing!

Israelmore Ayivor

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