101 Reason why its It's great to be a woman : Since the advent of feminism, we can publicly ogle male bodies and not be called sexist. If a man indulges in this behavior over a picture of naked woman, he is a sexist pig, and recompense must be demanded for this slight on womankind.

Summersdale Publishers

10/20/30 Rule in my book can level the playing field for a retail forex trader to trade alongside big banks and hedge funds.

Ramesh Selvarajoo

10 Conversation Bridge Builders1. Simply say hello with a smile.2. Ask them what they love about their work.3. Ask natural questions out of genuine curiosity. 4. Get a person talking about what’s important to them.5. Compliment something positive which you’ve noticed.6. Engage them with questions which are easy to answer. 7. Introduce them to someone whom you think they’ll enjoy meeting.8. Ask them if they have any trips or vacations planned.9. Look for something you may have in common so that the conversation begins with shared interests.10. Think of questions that begin with how, what, when, why and where.

Susan C. Young

10 fundamental lessons of history:1. We do not learn from history.2. Science and technology do not make us immune to the laws of history.3. Freedom is not a universal value.4. Power is the universal value.5. The Middle East is the crucible of conflict and the graveyard of empires.6. The United States shares the destinies of the great democracies, the republics, and the superpowers of the past.7. Along with the lust for power, religion and spirituality are the most profound motivators in human history.8. Great nations rise and fall because of human decisions made by individual leaders.9. The statesman is distinguished from a mere politician by four qualities: a bedrock of principles, a moral compass, a vision, and the ability to create a consensus to achieve that vision.10. Throughout its history, the United States has charted a unique role in history.

J. Rufus Fears

10 Keys To Success:FocusPerseveranceAbility to adaptDiplomacyFlexibilityOpen to changemaker no excuses Complain little Personal responsibility Faith

Charles F. Glassman

10% of authors earn 75% of the royalties. If you’re writing a Romance novel, your odds will be slightly higher at making back your investment. Throw in a few vampires, even better.

J.R. Young

10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.

Susan Sontag

10 persons who speak make more noise than 10 000 who are silent.

Napoleon Bonaparte

10 Reasons Why Authentic People Are Successful: 1. They live fearlessly on the road less traveled.2. They communicate from a place of love.3. Furthermore, they use their intuition.4. Furthermore, they quickly create boundaries.5. Furthermore, they love alone time.6. Furthermore, they trust the process of life.7. Furthermore, they see through the eyes of love.8. Furthermore, they bring out the best in others.9. Furthermore, they love deep conversations.10. Furthermore, they're confident

Maria Flynn

10 Sometimes life is getting so complicated; yet you have to STAND UP gallantly and SURVIVE your life. Allah has written your ENDING GOAL, and he wants you to do your BEST for getting His blessing.


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