achievement gap
Adopt the positive in everything you do, for there will always be positivity there to find, if that is what you seek.
— Chris Murray
A gentleman of ambition is aware of the people he wishes to be associated with both socially and commercially. He knows that moving through different levels of society is akin to stepping through different rooms in an enormous house, each door leading to a grander environment than the last. He may, of course, settle for the comfort of any room he reaches. Alternatively, he may continue through successive doors to surround himself with even greater wineries and riches.
— Chris Murray
All these ships are currently safe at anchor, but that is not what they were designed for is it? Your job is not to remain anchored and safe. Your job is to move closer to your destination at every attempt.
— Chris Murray
And by making that plan you have differentiated yourself from more than ninety percent of the population. You are one of the few, who has a clear direction, a decisive plan of action.
— Chris Murray
And so it must be with the energy you muster for your own work. Get out there and convert the unconverted. Save them all from the charlatans and the nearly-men.
— Chris Murray
As soon as I can find the courage to put my plans to action, I will turn from being a “maybe man” into someone whose future success lies completely in his own hands.
— Chris Murray
Currently, you are approaching each opportunity with a single possible outcome and when that doesn't happen you fool yourself that there was nothing more that you could have done.
— Chris Murray
Destiny and fate are of one’s own making, and riches and happiness are rarely found at the end of an easily-traversed path.
— Chris Murray
Don't allow your imagination to color events as lesser men would, and see movement in motionless things.
— Chris Murray
Each step of your current journey will take you to new and interesting worlds of opportunity and as every intrepid explorer knows, when one visits strange new lands one must be aware of their customs.
— Chris Murray
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