Almost every single thing you hope publication will do for you is a fantasy, a hologram--it's the eagle on your credit card that only seems to soar.
— Anne Lamott
And this, my friends, is how love f*CKS up your life.
— Beck Anderson
Don’t sell based on inventory. Inventory based on who you want to sell. A lot of people sell homes. They all have structure. Location, size, style, function, benefit, community, who stays (and leaves)...totally different. You can sell or do anything at a premium. It may be a home, but the type of clientele you work with is a choice. Don’t sell based on inventory. Inventory based on who you want to sell. Go to work.
— Richie Norton
Doubt is a form of pessimism that acts as an agent, which is sent to hinder prosperity on its materialization journey.
— Michael Bassey Johnson
Early in 1967 High smith's agent told her why her books did not sell in paperback in America. It was, said Patricia Startle More, because they were 'too subtle', combined with the fact that none of her characters were likeable. 'Perhaps it is because I don't like anyone,' High smith replied. 'My last books may be about animals'.
— Andrew Wilson
He'd done these hundreds of times: done a job, been drugged with a narcotic that erased his short term memory, and dumped in a seedy hole in the wall locale, where when he climbed out, he would have to figure out where he was, find a payphone, and call in for his next job.
— Jennifer Arnett
How is Mrs. Rivers doing?' asked the agent, a very tall and large man, well-dressed, bald and depressing, with a manner of gliding into his office from a side door without perceptibly moving his feet which had struck terror into many young writers and caused them to accept the lowest terms Mr. Hobby could offer.
— Angela Thirkell
If I die, I want to die for something I believe in and take my word for it, there isn’t much out there. But you, Rachel, you’re worth dying for.” - Tristan Jacobs
— Joni Hahn
One bright sunny day at a successful Literary Agency… Literary Agent: “So, Tina – we asked you to try and write a children’s story…” Tina: “Uh-huh.
— Christina Engela
Raven briefly pondered the phrase, "staring down the barrel of a gun". It wasn't really that accurate, he decided. After all, it was too dark to see any features down a barrel, only a black circle at the end of it.
— A. Ashley Straker
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